If you have read anything by Mark Danielewski, you know he writes strange and beautiful books. The strange is what makes them beautiful, and sometimes a little difficult to read, I admit.


Each section is color coded, with different fonts for each narrator.


There’s pages where rain is represented graphically–a few phrases repeated over and over again, with some pages even having ‘puddles’ of words at the bottom. Very cool looking.


Pictures on the chapter headings abound, and there’s a few graphic-heavy sections like this one.


The shapes are relevant to the story–one about an orb, for example, or another about a sick boy in a hospital bed. Overall, the book is a reading experience–you can’t just forget the words, but have to pay attention to them,

Describing the actual story is difficult–the stories weave together, some more closely connected than others. But if you’ve liked other books by him, you should give this one a try. If you like complicated, thoughtful stories, give it a read!


About Caitlin Stern

I have a MA in English, and have so many fantasy/urban fantasy WIPs it's not even funny. I'm an avid reader of science fiction, fantasy, mystery, romance, biography, fiction, and anything else that catches my interest. I collect books, and bookmarks I find that are visually appealing and useful.

4 responses »

  1. Marcia says:

    Wow! What a cool concept. Have never read him, but this makes me want to give this particular book a try, just for the experience of something so unusual. What a creative mind this guy must have. Well…DOES have, obviously, because, hello…wildly creative book, here! Thanks for sharing, Caitlin. I’m heading over to Amazon to put it on my Wish List. At the top.

  2. Wayw, this looks really cool!

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