Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by The Broke and The Bookish, and feature lists related to all things bookish–characters, authors, titles, and favorites. They’re an excellent way to find new interesting books on a variety of topics, and to find bloggers that love the books you do.

Check out their blog for their top ten and lists of other bloggers who participate!

top ten tues purple flowers

April 5: Ten Bookish People You Should Follow On Twitter/Instagram/Youtube/Snapchat/Facebook — you pick the platform of your choice to talk about all the interesting bookish people to follow!  If you don’t use social media much you can pick your favorite bookish blogs or new blogs you’ve come across to follow.

I’m not so big into the many and varied social media, but here’s a few.

Ilona Andrews

1. Ilona Andrews (Facebook) All sorts of early snippets, a serial series, and some funny posts from husband and wife team Ilona and Andrew.

neil gaiman

2. Neil Gaiman (Facebook). Lots of lovely quotes, art, and writerly stuff.

john green

3. John Green (Instagram). Selfies, inspirational stuff, book-related pictures, and the occasional very weird penalty.

jim c hines

4. Jim C. Hines (Goodreads). He posts mostly book-related things, and occasionally such stuff as imitating the improbable cover poses of some heroines.


5. Jenny Lawson, The Bloggess (Instagram). There’s taxidermy and a lot of cat pictures, but her books, too.

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6. Seanan McGuire (Facebook). Books, book related items, and fluffy cats.

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7. Haruki Murakami (Facebook). Though run by his publishers, this still has a lot of updates, quotes, and cover photos.

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8. Patrick Rothfuss (Goodreads). He does a bunch of thoughtful, funny book reviews. And if you have any reason to read children’s books, he does a lot of reading with his kids.

rainbow rowell

9. Rainbow Rowell (Instagram). Book covers, selfies, book art–lots of cuteness.

maggie stiefvater

10. Maggie Stiefvater (Facebook). Lots of art, most of it book related.

About Caitlin Stern

I have a MA in English, and have so many fantasy/urban fantasy WIPs it's not even funny. I'm an avid reader of science fiction, fantasy, mystery, romance, biography, fiction, and anything else that catches my interest. I collect books, and bookmarks I find that are visually appealing and useful.

29 responses »

  1. John Green is also phenomenal on youtube. He and his brother are so much fun to watch!

    My TTT:

  2. I follow Gaiman and McGuire on Twitter. Seanan cracks me up. Gaiman just seems like a good dude. Here’s my Top Ten Tweeps.

  3. Maggie Stiefvater is so much fun to follow. I love her art. She made my list, too!

  4. Love Maggie Stiefvater’s posts! Her art is gorgeous, and she posts a lot of funny and/or insightful things as well. 🙂

  5. @lynnsbooks says:

    Yeah, I follow Gaiman too. And I think I follow Patrick Rothfuss on Twitter – must go and check out Goodreads.
    Lynn 😀

  6. The bookshelf on the picture *Drools* Wow, I’ll have to check these out!

  7. lenoreo says:

    ROFL — I don’t know why but I never thought to include actual authors, even though they are who I follow the most. Would have made my decisions for who to put on my TTT even harder! 🙂

  8. beckmank says:

    Jenny Lawson made my list too! I have to say my favorite posts of hers are ones that involve conversations with her husband Victor. 🙂 Those crack me up. Great list! Here’s my TTT.

  9. I love following authors on goodreads and twitter–it’s cool to see more from them beyond their novels. Thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier 🙂

  10. While I don’t personally follow Stiefvater on Twitter…I’m pretty much following her by proxy of everyone else RTing all of her lovely art haha.

    Joey via. thoughts and afterthoughts.

  11. It’s embarrassing that I have yet to read a single book from any of these individuals even though most of them are so popular! Hopefully I’ll remedy that someday!

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