Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by The Broke and The Bookish, and feature lists related to all things bookish–characters, authors, titles, and favorites. They’re an excellent way to find new interesting books on a variety of topics, and to find bloggers that love the books you do.

Check out their blog for their top ten and lists of other bloggers who participate!

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November 15: Movie Freebie — top ten all time favorite movies, top ten foreign films, top ten rom-coms, top ten 90’s movies, top ten action flicks, top ten tear-jerkers, top ten movies your favorite actor/actress is in, top ten movies with PoC leads, etc. etc.)

Action movies are my favorites, so I’ll go with that!


1. Die Hard. You have to respect clever one liners, right?


2. Jaws. While I saw this too late to be properly terrified by it, I can admire the tension created by the late monster reveal–and some very quotable dialogue.


3. Jurassic Park. The ultimate lesson in ‘just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should.’ Also, dinosaurs!


4. Kubo and the Two Strings. Dramatic and magical, and a little sad. Lots of origami, which doesn’t sound action-y, but is.


5. The LEGO Movie. A little more silly than some action movies, but still plenty of running around, fighting, minions, etc.


6. Lethal Weapon. You really need some snark with your gunfights. You just do.


7. Mad Max: Fury Road. I still haven’t seen the old one, but the new one was quite an experience. Dystopian adventure with armored cars, death races, crazy cults, and some seriously 80s costumes.


8. The Matrix. Despite its weaknesses, this down-the-rabbit-hole journey has cool special effects and plenty of dramatically flapping dusters.


9. Serenity. I just watched with at a movie party. It’s a space western–rebels fighting against a controlling government. Lots of fighting, and really creepy bad guys. Some are more clearly monsters than others.


10. Shoot ‘Em Up. This one is terribly graphic, be warned. But it’s such a perfect parody that I adore it anyway. It’s about a lone gunman pulled into a fight against his will, mostly.


About Caitlin Stern

I have a MA in English, and have so many fantasy/urban fantasy WIPs it's not even funny. I'm an avid reader of science fiction, fantasy, mystery, romance, biography, fiction, and anything else that catches my interest. I collect books, and bookmarks I find that are visually appealing and useful.

24 responses »

  1. I haven’t seen 4, 7, or 10, but I agree with all the others! In fact, two of them are on my list! 🙂 Oh god, now I’m going to have the Lego movie song stuck in my head today.

  2. Seeing Jaws on here made me laugh. My BFF was in love with that movie when we were kids. She watched it over and over and would laugh when the Jaws music would come on. She thought it was funny instead of scary.
    My TTT.

  3. lipsyy says:

    i love all of these. Apart from |Kubo, which I haven’t seen.

    I went for 90s movies and now I just want to watch movies all week instead of going to work. LOL.

    Top Ten Tuesday: Back to the Movies #TTT #90sMovies

  4. @lynnsbooks says:

    I love your choices. A couple that i’ve not seen and also we share a couple this week.
    Lynn 😀

  5. I found out today that Die Hard was based off a book, and I’m seriously considering going to pick it up. It’s called Nothing Lasts Forever, if you want to check it out, too. Great list for this week, Caitlin! 😀

    • I’m always curious about movies based on books, to see how they change. I’ve read that the book Jaws was based on isn’t quite as good, having some odd tangential plot lines.
      I’ll have to look this one up, though. Thanks!

  6. Erin says:

    Hi Caitlin,

    I’ve only seen a few of the films on your list. Jurassic Park and The Matrix never get old.

    I saw some behind the scenes footage of Kubo on TV. The story and animation look very intriguing. I’m still watching Firefly on Netflix and when I finish, I plan on watching Serenity.

  7. tiareleine says:

    I was sure I wasn’t going to like Mad Max: Fury Road. I’m not really a fan of action movies, and I had heard there was basically no dialogue, so I was really scared it wasn’t going to interesting me. It ended up being really good, though! I guess I just really like movies with cool cinematography.

    Great list! 🙂

  8. paperjasmine says:

    I’m not the biggest action movie fan in the world in any sense, but even I know this is a great action film list! So good picks, even if not my personal favourites. Of course, I enjoyed the Matrix heaps! 🙂

  9. Great picks for this week. I loved The Lego Movie, and although I haven’t seen it myself yet I’ve heard great things about Mad Max so I really need to watch that and soon! 😀

  10. hellphie says:

    Serenity is one of my favourites! It’s one of the few movies I went to in the theatre more than once (including a ten year anniversary showing).
    I’d forgotten about Shoot Em Up. Excellent!

  11. Sara McIntyre says:

    Nice list! Wahoo for Die Hard! In case you’re interested, please check out my film review blog for awesome reviews or even just new movie suggestions. Or check out my latest post, top ten tuesday christmas movie edition! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Hey there! Awesome list! Mad Max and Die Hard are two great book adaptations in my opinion. If you are into music, movies, and pop culture, you should have a look at my blog: I promise you won’t be disappointed! Cheers! 🙂

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